
Lottie Animation with React

Lottie Animation with React

I created an animation using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects and used the Bodymovin' plugin for After Effects to export the animation as a Lottie JSON file which I imported into a React app using TypeScript, react-lottie and Bootstrap.

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I developed a basic task manager using Angular 2 and Zurb Foundation.

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The Hogtown Diner

The Hogtown Diner

I designed a website for a fictional retro diner in Toronto called "The Hogtown Diner."

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Mad Scientist Laboratories

Mad Scientist Laboratories

The purpose of this project is to promote a fictional group of mad scientists and their goal to acheive world domination. This website was designed with Twitter Bootstrap and is completely responsive.

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Urban Vegecation

Urban Vegecation

The goal of this project was to design a kid-friendly website for a fictional non-profit organization that teaches kids about urban gardening.

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Webmaster Solutions

Webmaster Solutions

I designed a website for a fictional web design firm called "Webmaster Solutions."

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Tim Lai - Web Developer Portfolio

Tim Lai - Web Developer Portfolio

This project was my web developer portfolio which is the website which you are reading this right now!

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